


【伝え隊】相撲部にアメリカ人留学生が!American students in Hirodai Sumo club!


[English Below]






Justin Ehringhaus (以下E・ジャスティンと記名) が最初に相撲部の門をたたきました。彼は来日する前から相撲部の部員と連絡をとり、入部することを決めていました。E・ジャスティンの話を聞いてJustin Sguros (以下S・ジャスティンと記名)とMatteen Aminpour(以下マットと記名)が2015年12月、2016年1月に立て続けに入部しました。彼らは三人とも、2015年10月に一年間の留学プログラムで日本にきました。































HP: http://www.sumoclub-hiroshima-u.jpn.org/sumoclub/top.html




海外ボランティア事業部 2年 大鳥 格



【Tsutaetai】Three American Students in Hirodai Sumo Club!


Three American students belong to Hiroshima University sumo club. I wanted to know why the sumo club attracts foreign students. So I decided to talk with them and write about HU sumo club.


Justin Ehringhaus entered the sumo club for the first. He had contacted with a member of the sumo club and decided to join it before he came to Japan. To hear his story, Justin Sguros and Matteen Aminpour joined in December 2015, in January 2016. All of them came to Japan from America in order to study abroad for one year in October 2015.

I interviewed them.


-Why did you join the sumo club?

Justin E.: I’ve been interested in martial arts and wanted to challenge with my physical fitness. And I can do it only in Japan.

Justin S.: When I was in America, I had played Judo­ and I wanted to try other Japanese martial arts.

Matt:It’s a rare opportunity that I can only find in Japan.


-Please tell me something good about the sumo club.

Justin E.: At first, it was quite difficult. I felt I had finally found a sport that pushed me to my physical limits. However, the team members are such great people, and I have enjoyed the experience to the fullest. It has also been great for my understanding of Japanese language and culture.

Years later, I know that I will appreciate the fact that I was a member of the sumo club. It’s something, I think, that will stick with me forever.

S.Justin: I’ve been getting muscles^^

Matt: There is no sumo in the USA so it’s a great chance to try something new.

-How about the relationships with Japanese members of sumo club?

E.Justin: Sumo is a unique sport in that the team members don’t only practice together, but also cook together and eat together. Given some of the best friends imaginable. We are all different in character, but our combined interested in sumo unites us. Years down the road, I think each of us will look back upon our sumo days as some of the best times of our life.

S.Justin: I enjoy saying a joke with them when we’re eating chanko. I also say a joke in Japanese^^

Matt: I think our relationship is pretty good. Of course sometimes it is difficult because we speak different languages, but talking them is great Japanese practice for me.


-What have foreign student brought changes to the sumo club?

E.Justin: I can’t speak for all the team members, and I do not know exactly what the sumo team was like before foreign students such as myself joined. However, from what I have heard, foreign students have made some significant contribution. For example, the sumo team rarely ate chanko nabe before foreign students joined the team.

Perhaps that is because the Japanese students felt more inclined to introduce Japanese (and sumo) culture to foreign students, whereas they had not bothered to make such an effort before by themselves.

Also, I have heard that the sumo club feels like a real “team” now. However, this may just have to do with numbers. For example, before they were only five Japanese members, and on a given practice maybe only two or three would show up. It was more like a club made by friends than a serious sports team. However, the presence of foreign students.

Again, I cannot know for sure, but this is just what I have heard about “changes” in the sumo club.


Information about Sumo Club

The sumo club is training from 18:00 to 20:00 on Tuesday and Friday. After training, they eat chanko for about 2 hours. Chanko is dish sumo wrestlers eat in vast quality as part of a weight-gain diet. They eat chanko as a part of training. They say the appeal point of their club is “Food, muscle, jokes”.

This May 7th they participated in a sumo convention in Shiga prefecture. Justin S. won the preliminary league and proceed to the finals league, another Justin and Matt won. Foreign students made an outstanding performance!


HP: http://www.sumoclub-hiroshima-u.jpn.org/sumoclub/top.html



I felt the relationship between foreign students and Japanese students is very good in the club after I heard their stories. Japanese students treat foreign students the same way as all with equality without giving a special treatment like as a “foreigner”. They appreciate about it. Moreover, the number of the club is gradually increasing and two girl managers joined. The sumo club has very good atmosphere and is serious. It’s expected that more Japanese and foreign students will join the sumo club now on.

Kaku Ootori

 - 海外ボランティア ,


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