




 今回は私たち海外部が行っている【伝え隊】の特別編です。[English below]









◎検索ワード:jma weather










さらに、JAPAN TIMESの記事には載っていませんが、募金先として『日本赤十字』、『赤い羽根共同募金』が広く知られています。







被災地の一刻も早い復旧を 心よりお祈りいたします。


*OPERATIONつながりは、以上に書かせていただいた どの団体とも公式な関係はありません。



This is the special version of our activities, “Tsutae-tai.”


It is said that somewhere in Japan an earthquake occurs around once a day, powerful enough for people to perceive a shaking of the ground. And a few weeks ago, the 2016 Kumamoto earthquakes occurred, so we have to care about the news of this disaster and prepare for the next.


We, “Operation Tsunagari” has been working for the disaster recovery, and from the experience, now we would like to tell you about ‘What is the best way to do when a disaster happens’.


These are keywords about natural disasters which you can search on the Internet.

◎SEARCH “Disaster_prevention_guide_for_foreigners”

You can get a handbook about disaster prevention. You will get to know what you should do and where you can ask a help when a disaster happens.

There are English guidebooks and the guidebooks written in easy Japanese. Especially, the guidebooks published from Okayama Prefecture and Kyoto Prefecture have very explicit information.


◎SEARCH “JMA weather”

The English website of the Japan Meteorological Agency.

You can look up where have been earthquake, and on what scale.


◎SEARCH “Financial_donations_japantimes_Kumamoto”

There are lots information about supports for disaster area.

If you are not able to go on-site but wish to do something, we recommend making a financial donation.

There are two types of donations; one is contribution money which send money to the victims and the other is supporting money which is used by volunteer groups for disaster recovery.

Charity usually takes time to be received by the victims due to procedures, on the other hand, the supporting money more smoothly works.


Moreover, there are fund-raising organization well-known in Japan, these are not mentioned on the Japan Times websites, such as the Japanese Red Cross and the Red Feathers Community Chest.

These groups raise funds for contribution and support.



◎SEARCH “Call_for_kumamoto_donation”

Kumamoto Prefecture and Oita Prefecture are also raising funds for contribution and support.



We wish peace for people in disaster area and hope for a swift recovery


*Operation Tsunagari has no official relationships with any of the organization.

 - 海外ボランティア ,


メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 が付いている欄は必須項目です



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